BiCGStab(l) solves the problem $Ax = b$ approximately for $x$ where $A$ is a general, linear operator and $b$ the right-hand side vector. The methods combines BiCG with $l$ GMRES iterations, resulting in a short-reccurence iteration. As a result the memory is fixed as well as the computational costs per iteration.
— Functionbicgstabl(A, b, l; kwargs...) -> x, [history]
Same as bicgstabl!
, but allocates a solution vector x
initialized with zeros.
— Functionbicgstabl!(x, A, b, l; kwargs...) -> x, [history]
: linear operator;b
: right hand side (vector);l::Int = 2
: Number of GMRES steps.
max_mv_products::Int = size(A, 2)
: maximum number of matrix vector products.
For BiCGStab(l) this is a less dubious term than "number of iterations";
Pl = Identity()
: left preconditioner of the method;abstol::Real = zero(real(eltype(b)))
,reltol::Real = sqrt(eps(real(eltype(b))))
: absolute and relative tolerance for the stopping condition|r_k| ≤ max(reltol * |r_0|, abstol)
, wherer_k ≈ A * x_k - b
is the approximate residual in thek
th iteration;Note - The true residual norm is never computed during the iterations, only an approximation;
- If a left preconditioner is given, the stopping condition is based on the preconditioned residual.
Return values
if log
is false
: approximate solution.
if log
is true
: approximate solution;history
: convergence history.
Implementation details
The method is based on the original article [Sleijpen1993], but does not implement later improvements. The normal equations arising from the GMRES steps are solved without orthogonalization. Hence the method should only be reliable for relatively small values of $l$.
The r
and u
factors are pre-allocated as matrices of size $n \times (l + 1)$, so that BLAS2 methods can be used. Also the random shadow residual is pre-allocated as a vector. Hence the storage costs are approximately $2l + 3$ vectors.
BiCGStabl(l) can be used as an iterator.
- Sleijpen1993Sleijpen, Gerard LG, and Diederik R. Fokkema. "BiCGstab(l) for linear equations involving unsymmetric matrices with complex spectrum." Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 1.11 (1993): 2000.